Thursday, 29 August 2024

Retaliation And Sexual Harassment at Workplace?

71% of women fail to report incidences of sexual harassment at work, according to a 2015 survey. Only 68.9% of Indian women who experience sexual harassment report their experiences to the Internal Committee (IC) or management, according to a 2017 survey by the Indian National Bar Association (INBA).

Retaliation is a tactic used to ridicule, humiliate, and spread rumours about the sexual harassment victim. When an employee reports sexual harassment in the workplace, the company may take action against them. Retaliation is any negative employment action that involves "exerting power." Demotion, wage reduction, job transfer, and termination are a few examples.

For fear of retaliation, many women choose not to report sexual harassment at work. The victim may be the target of reprisals from the accused or the organisation. In fact, studies has shown that businesses frequently devalue sexual harassment. As a result, the victim faces hostility and reprisals.

The organization's environment affects how it reacts to reporting. If the organisation backs the reporter, retaliation can be restrained. If a reporter receives more backing from the organisation, especially the management, they are less likely to face reprisals. An indication of this support is the work being done to substantiate the claims and address the complaint. The organization's intolerance of sexual harassment helps the support even more.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Status of Local Committee formation under POSH.

According to Section 6(1) of the Act, "Every District Officer shall constitute in the district concerned a committee to be known as the "Local Complaints Committee" to receive sexual harassment complaints from establishments where the Internal Committee has not been formed because it has fewer than ten employees or if the complaint is against the employer himself."

The Local Complaints Committee was changed to become the Local Committee in May 2016, broadening its mandate from merely handling complaints to one that requires it to act proactively to combat sexual harassment.

According to a report by the Martha Farrell Foundation, POSH policies are not generally being followed to its fullest extent (2018). In accordance with this research, 655 districts had 56 percent of requests for data sets from operating Local Committees ignored. Only 29% of districts claimed to have created LCs, and 15% of those districts still hadn't done so.

43% of respondents from the unorganized sector said they had at least once felt uneasy around a coworker. It is crucial to recognize the part stigma plays. The stigmatization of women increases with their level of marginalization, and many may not have the backing of their families to come forward and report workplace sexual harassment.

The Local Committee has the potential to sustain the spirit of the Vishakha principles through efficient execution. Since 95% of women in India's workforce are employed in the unorganized sector, strengthening the LC's operations would help the country's deeply ingrained patriarchal systems while ensuring institutional accountability.

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Tips to create trans-inclusive workplace.

More than 27000 transgender people participated in a poll in 2015, and the results showed that at least 77% of them actively avoided workplace discrimination. This includes keeping their gender identities a secret, declining to request the use of their preferred pronouns by their employers and coworkers, and postponing gender transition.

Transgender individuals might not be fully present at work. Because they are more likely than cisgender employees to have an uneven working environment, they could feel uneasy or alienated.

Companies should begin implementing nondiscriminatory rules and procedures that are gender-specific. This entails regardless of their gender identities, defending and advancing the rights of every employee Increasing employee awareness of and acceptance of their transgender coworkers.

To some extent, everyone needs to feel like they belong. It's common for us to evaluate our relationships subconsciously. We experience poor levels of self-esteem and unfavorable sentiment when our social value declines. A social affirmation or appraisal, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. We feel included and valued when we receive praise, gratitude, and approval.

Likewise, transgender employees are accepted and valued in the workplace because to inclusive policies including using proper names and pronouns, having access to toilets that are gender-neutral, and having gender-neutral dress rules.

By creating advantages that are trans-specific and trans-friendly, businesses need to behave as supporters. For instance, helping with mental health services is a fantastic approach to support your transgender staff.

This may also apply to company regulations governing personnel who identify as gender non-conforming. Transgender workers will experience more inclusion at work by doing away with gender-specific jargon and upholding antibias standards.

It's also crucial to increase public awareness about gender identification. Many people lack the fortitude and expertise to question preconceptions and societal standards. Encourage your staff members to step outside their comfort zones and have unpleasant talks with management, especially the leaders. Cisgender employees who speak out against gender-based discrimination and ineffective rules at work provide a positive message of inclusiveness to their transgender coworkers.

POSH Law: Ensuring a Safe and Respectful Workplace

In today's corporate world, workplace safety and respect are paramount. The Prevention of Sexual Harassment ( POSH ) Act, enacted in Ind...